Health Articles

What is right Ph for our body?
Our body has a small range in which it can operate and that is it's pH. The optimum pH for the body fluids is 7.0. 

What is pH? Its a rating system. pH an acronym for "potential of hydrogen" is a value that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid. The measurement of the hydrogen ion concentrate in a liquid determines the pH value. Every liquid has a pH value which falls on a scale between 0 and 14, with 7 being neutral. A pH value less then 7 is acidic; values greater than 7 indicates alkalinity. Example like vinegar is a very acidic liquids - have pH values on the lower end of the scale, while baking soda and ammonia, both of which are very alkaline, are on the higher end of the pH scale. Pure water, meanwhile, has a pH value of 7 - it's neither acidic or alkaline. We need intake a lot of water to maintain the PH level of our body.

Keeping your Body's pH in Balance

Your body also has a pH value. In fact, all your body fluids each have a pH value. The adult body is about 60% fluid. This fluid fills every cell, the spaces between cells, and so forth. This fluid can be neutral, acidic or basic. As far as can be determined the body functions best when these fluids are neutral which is to say neither acidic or basic. (7.0)
The blood that is a small proportion of the total body fluid is an exception being significantly more basic (7.3-7.4 pH), Don't get confused by stomach acidity, or colon acidity as this is a totally different system then the internal system of the body.
Setting aside the blood and the digestive system, the internal fluids of the body (60% of the total body weight) should be neutral. When these fluids are acidic, they are irritants. If 60% of the body is irritating the other 40% there is a chronic non-optimum situation. 

How does the body get acid?

The body has natural mechanisms to eliminate acids. It can handle the natural acids created by the body which are created in energy production and the process of rebuilding cells. However, the extra acidity created by a poor diet has the body systems overwhelmed with a backlog of acids. This pH (acidity/alkaline) is important to the health of living organisms. 

What are the results of too much acidity?
The Japanese feel that the degenerative diseases as osteoporosis, cancers, arthritis, etc. are primarily due to acidosis (the system being too acid).  
Based on testimonials, conditions, ranging from dandruff and fungus under the toe to diabetes and cancer have lessened or in some cases gone into full remission simply by achieving a proper acid/base balance.
When a body is acidic, it creates a welcoming environment for viruses and bacteria to come in and begin to flourish. As viruses and bacteria continue to flourish inside our body, we experience lack of energy, frequent illness and pains. If a person doesn't do anything about changing the acidic state of the body, the situation can get worse. Virus or bacteria can mutate into a serious illness.
Conversely, bacteria and viruses perish in alkaline environment, because a pH balanced, or alkaline body doesn't create the environment for viruses and bacteria to thrive and flourish. Thus, no bacteria or virus will enter an alkaline body, grow and mutate into serious illness or disease.
The bottom line is that we need to handle the reasons the body becomes acidic and there are some things that can be done. Its not only the poor nutrition but the constant bombardment of the body by pollutants and poisons, chemicals that we either ingest, breath or put into our body daily..

Viscal Fats

Abdominal, or visceral, fat is deep within the abdominal cavity, where it fills the spaces between our abdominal organs around our abdominal. It’s a key player in a variety of health problems — much more so than subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat has been linked to metabolic disturbances and increased risk for cardiovascular disease such as heart problem, stroke and diabetes, hypertension. In women, it is also associated with breast cancer and the need for gallbladder surgery.

Less active people, smokers and drinkers have been shown to have more visceral fat, than active people who are non-smokers and non-drinkers. Stress may also be a factor in the storage of visceral fat.

As most types of fat unrelated to a chronic health condition, abdominal fat can best be eliminated with a simple combination of improved diet and increased aerobic activity. Walking is considered by many health and fitness experts to be a much better way of helping to control visceral fat than by doing exercises such as swimming where gravity keeps the body afloat. Walking at a fairly fast pace for a half an hour six days a week has been shown to help reduce visceral fat, while walking only three days a week has not been shown to have much affect on the reduction of visceral fat. However, doing no exercise at all has shown to increase the amount of visceral fat in the body.

What is Collagen? Do we need it?Collagen is a type of protein. Fibrous in nature, it connects and supports other bodily tissues, such as skin, bone, tendons, muscles, and cartilage. It also supports the internal organs and is even present in teeth. Collagen is one of the most plentiful proteins present in the bodies of mammals, including humans. In fact, it makes up about 25 percent of the total amount of proteins in the body. Some people refer to collagen as the glue that holds the body together. Without it, the body would, quite literally, fall apart.

And in our body too, there are about 25 types of collagens! Among these 25 collagens, 12 of them can be found on your skin. Now do you see the connection between aging (looking young) and collagen?Our skin is made up of 3 layers; epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. The middle layer (dermis) is mostly made from collagen.

About 80% of the dry weight of the dermis is collagen. It forms a fibrous network which helps in the growth of new cells. So, collagen provides strength, resilience and flexibility for your skin.

Aging is related to collagen directly. When you age or become older, the collagen production becomes slower. Therefore, your skin begin to lose their elasticity.

It is highly important that you know about collagen by the time you hit the age of 30! During this age too, collagen production will start to slow down and you'll notice fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Smoking and being exposed to the UV rays (sun) can accelerate this collagen decrease rate. Therefore, when you purchase anti-aging products, they actually contain collagen because collagen helps to rebuild your skin cells (making you look younger), particularly the dermis!

Soy products contains an element known as genistein. The presence of genistein gives soy products their collagen production qualities, as swell as helping to block enzymes that tend to break down and age the skin. Just about any soy product contains enough genistein to be helpful, including soy products that have been developed as substitutes for meat products.

Obesity = Health PROBLEM!
Obesity means accumulation of excess fat on the body. Obesity is considered a chronic (long-term) Disease, like high blood pressure or diabetes. It has many serious long-term consequences for your health, and it is the second leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States (tobacco is the first). Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 30. Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10% of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.

The problem of obesity is getting worse in Singapore. The latest National Health Survey shows the obesity rate has increased from 6.9 per cent in 2004 to 10.8 per cent in 2010. Exact from this is not kidding issue!

Don't let overweight or obesity ruin your life, do something about it! Eat less, exercise more and take some health supplement to better your weight!